About the Frosh Program
CHASS F1RST Frosh Program
First-year students will participate in a year-long learning community with peers in CHASS to ensure a successful transition from a high school setting to a research university. The first year of college can bring challenges. As part of the CHASS F1RST Frosh Program, you have an automatic support system to rise to those challenges. You will be surrounded by motivated students, faculty, teaching assistants, and peer educators who will support you.
Your Learning Community Helps You Succeed
The first year of college can bring challenges. As part of the CHASS F1RST Frosh Program, you have an automatic support system to rise to those challenges. You will be surrounded by motivated students, faculty, teaching assistants, and peer educators who will support you.
Learning community students report higher grades and greater satisfaction with their UCR experience. Learning communities include a 2-unit peer-led CHFY 007: CHASS F1RST Learning Community Workshop. You will learn study strategies conducive for university-level courses, be a more fluent and persuasive writer and thinker, budget your time, and connect with vital services at UCR.
Students who participate in learning communities:
- Earn significantly higher grades
- Report being more satisfied with their campus experience
- Return to UCR for their second year at higher rates than those who do not participate
You will benefit from:
- Mentorship from peer educators who are current undergraduate students
- Reserved seating in highly desirable courses for your first quarter
- Building community with other first-year students in CHASS