Frequently Asked Questions
Where is CHASS F1RST located?
The CHASS F1RST office is located in Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HMNSS) 1614.
What is a “peer educator”?
Peer educators are students who have completed at least one year at UCR. They receive special training to help first-year students make the transition from high school to college. They learn to help students feel at home at UCR, share college life tips, teach study skills, and more. Learn more about our peer educator program.
What are my peer educator’s office hours?
Each peer educator sets their own office hours. This information will be provided to you on the first day of each quarter. You can also email your peer educator to find out when they hold office hours. Make an appointment with your peer educator.
How can I become a peer educator?
We are so glad you want to be a peer educator! You can get the details here.
How do I leave a learning community?
You may not drop your learning community after fall quarter starts. Students in a very specific circumstance may be granted an "Exception" from taking the Learning Community Workshop Series. If you feel that you have an exceptional reason to drop, please email your request for an exception to be removed from the Learning Community Workshop Series to chass1st@ucr.edu. Exceptions will be approved/denied by CHASS F1RST Staff on a case-by-case basis.
What are the benefits of a learning community?
The first year of college is a year of significant changes. Students are often overwhelmed by the transition from high school to college. After creating a community of scholars and friends by participating in a learning community, students return to UCR for their second year at higher rates than those not in learning communities. Learning community students are also more satisfied with their campus experience and their grades are significantly higher than those who do not participate.
Where is Humanities 411?
Humanities 411 is not located in the Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HMNSS). It is located in the Humanities Building next to Olmsted Hall.
Where is the CHASS Dean’s Office?
The CHASS Dean’s office is located in Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HMNSS) 3400. It is on the third floor of HMNSS, in the building facing Hinderaker Hall.
How do I find my professor’s/TA’s office and/or office hours?
Most professors and TAs will include that information in their class syllabus.
What do I do if I’m feeling stressed out?
You are not alone and UCR can help! There are many resources for you if you are feeling stressed out. Your CHASS F1RST peer educators can provide some of these resources for you. The Well and Counseling and Psychological Services can also provide resources for you, including crisis resources. We are glad you are reaching out for help.
How Do I S/NC a class?
If you are In good academic standing (2.00 GPA or above), you may take courses not required in your majors on a S/NC grading basis. An "S" grade indicates C (not C-) or better work — you receive unit credit, but the grade point average is not affected. Consult with your adviser on whether S/NC is a wise choice — some strategy is involved. Please see CHASS Student Affairs for more information on grading options.
How do I change my major?
Find the appropriate petition or form here and speak to your academic advisor about options.