Transfer Ambassadors
Transfer Ambassadors are:
- Current Undergraduate Transfer Students
- CHASS Majors
- Offer one-on-one appointments throughout the academic year
- Trained on teaching approaches, learning styles, campus resources, interpersonal skills, and how to refer students to resources based on their needs
Meet the 2024-2025 Transfer Ambassadors
Transfer Ambassadors Truly Help!
CHASS F1RST – Transfer Ambassadors
CHASS F1RST First-Year Experience Programs support students in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences during their first year at UCR. Transfer Ambassadors are current undergraduate CHASS transfer students who are trained to support the Transfer Program in CHASS by teaching the HASS 001 learning community workshop, providing one-on-one office hours, and referring students to resources.
“The most valuable experience of the CHASS F1RST program was being greatly informed of the opportunities and aid programs that are available on campus that can greatly aid you mentally, physiologically, physically and financially.”
“The most valuable experience of this course was just being able to learn and know about the many different resources that the UCR campus provides for students. Especially with there being many resources for transfer students specifically, it allowed me to look more deeply into certain resources that I can benefit from during this first year at UCR.”
“I took alot, as a first generation student, every single thing was a valuable experience. Meeting with the transfer ambassadors, the information they provided us with. The resources they informed us about, everything was so helpful! I appreciate it all.”
“The instructors were super helpful and all of these modules were helpful. I plan to use these effectively throughout my time here at UCR and set myself up for success. This course was super helpful and effective as a transfer it showed me the support I have.”
Feedback from 2024 students
Become a CHASS F1RST Transfer Ambassador
- Develop leadership and facilitation skills
- Fine-tune communication and time-management skills
- Empower new transfer students to reach their full potential
- Reinforce your own learning by instructing others
- Gain professional development
- Reach out to and maintain contact with transfer students via email, phone, and campus activities
- Meet with transfer students one-on-one and in small groups to assess student needs
- Assist transfer students with academic, social, and personal concerns and refer them to resources
- Develop lesson plans with faculty and staff
- Co-facilitate weekly workshops
- Be prompt and well prepared for each small group session
- Attend a mandatory three-day orientation
- Maintain a quarterly 2.5 cumulative GPA and stay in good academic standing
- Remain sensitive to the needs of students from a variety of racial, ethnic, national, political, religious, socioeconomic, academic, and physical and sexual orientation backgrounds
- Employ strong written and verbal communication skills and the ability to communicate effectively with students
- Work collaboratively with students, staff, and faculty partners
- Have good organizational and time management skills
- Have the ability to respond to students in a helping manner
- Achieve a 3.0 GPA or higher in CHFY 020: Theory and Practice of Peer Instruction
- You may access the application form via Google Form using your R’Mail account: Transfer Ambassador Google Form Application
- The 2025-2026 Peer Educator Application will become available on December 2, 2024, and applications will be due by January 13th, 2025, at 4pm. If you have any questions regarding the position, you may contact Stella Rocha, Student Academic Specialist of CHASS F1RST (stella.rocha@ucr.edu).
- Please see the Job Description and Additional Details Here: Transfer Ambassador Application Info Sheet AY 2025-2026