Learning Community Workshop Series
Learning Community Workshop Series
All students will be enrolled in the Learning Community Workshop Series to connect students to resources for developing skills, expanding possibilities, fulfilling individual goals, and personal growth. Students are taught strategies to succeed academically, personally, and professionally. Each quarter Frosh students will take our CHFY 007 Workshop which is a 2-unit Satisfactory/No Credit Course (S/NC) online course. The required textbook for the course, "Success Comes From You" by our very own, Dr. Christina Rogers is now available for purchase at the UCR Bookstore
You are placed in the Learning Community Workshop Series for your major automatically:
- Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Majors
- Pre-Business Majors
- Undeclared Majors
Topics covered in the CHFY 007 Workshop:
- Fall Quarter: Success, Readings from "Success Comes from You" Book
- Winter: Personal and Professional Development
- Spring: Leadership Skills and Next Steps to Second Year
Learning Community Exceptions
No longer using the verbiage Opt-Out, students in very specific circumstances may be granted an "Exception" from taking the Learning Community Workshop Series.
University Honors: Because of the likelihood of course conflicts, University Honors does not recommend that University Honors students participate in their college learning communities, students in CHASS can consult with both their honors advisor and CHASS academic advisor to explore the possibility of also participating in the CHASS year-long learning community workshop series. These requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of both advisors.
Athletes: Expectations may also be granted to Athletes if all block options conflict with their practice/game schedules.
College Transition: Students who transition out of CHASS will no longer take the Learning Community Workshop Series.
Other Exceptions: All Other Exceptions need to be approved by CHASS FIRST Staff (Chass1st@ucr.edu) by emailing to request an exception to be removed from the Learning Community Workshop Series with a detailed reason. Expectations will be approved/denied by CHASS F1RST Staff on a case-by-case basis.
Below is an example of the format for the Learning Community Workshop Series:
Learning Community Workshop Series
Learning Community Workshop Series
Learning Community Workshop Series