Stella Rocha and Shellee Stewart

Transfer Learning Community


Transfer Learning Community (TLC)

All CHASS transfer students will take the Transfer Learning Community (TLC) their first quarter at UCR. The Transfer Learning Community consists of the CHFY 010 Step-By-Step to College Success Course with support from Transfer Ambassadors. CHASS transfer students can then choose to continue to partner with the CHASS Transfers F1RST Program the rest of their first year at UCR through the Transfer Year Experience (TYE). 

Highlander Orientation for Transfers - Student Booklet 2024-2025

CHFY 010 Step-By-Step to College Success Course

Explores the factors relating to academic success. Addresses the social and psychological adjustment to college life. Investigates a wide range of academic disciplines and campus student support services. The required textbook for the course, "Be Great Your Journey Is Your Legacyby our very own, Dr. Shellee Stewart is now available for purchase at the UC Riverside Bookstore  

The course will include:

  • 2-Units - [Graded Satisfactory (S) or No Credit (NC)]
  • Online Instruction
  • CHASS Transfer Students ONLY
  • Required to take your first quarter at UCR
  • Peer Mentorship from Transfer Ambassadors
  • Campus Resource Highlights
  • Readings About Success
  • Established Transfer Community

*Students in the University Honors Program are not required to participate in the TLC